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7 Reasons Why Solar Pool Heating is Best for Commercial Sized Pools

Commercial Pool Heating

Heating a commercial pool can be an expensive, demanding job. Particularly when you need your pool available year-round, the costs of keeping water at a swimmable temperature through every weather condition can be exorbitant – not to mention the environmental impacts of electric heating systems. What many commercial pool owners may not realise is that solar panel heating very well may be the solution to all their heating problems. Continue reading to find out the perks of solar panels for your pool!

This blog lists some of the biggest reasons why solar heating is an extremely beneficial option for commercial pool owners. To discuss what heating system is going to work best for your pool, contact Supreme Heating today for some personalised advice.

1. Integration Options

Solar panels aren’t only a great option for people looking to install entirely new heating systems from scratch. If you already have a heating system in place, chances are you’re hesitant to invest in a whole new set of equipment – but solar panels are the perfect solution to this! Without needing to scrap all your existing systems, adding solar panels can give you extra energy and power from the sun, lowering the amount of power needed for your current heating methods. It’s a win-win!

2. Saved Money

It’s natural to want to minimise costs for your commercial pool property. While solar panels sometimes may cost more than other alternatives during the initial purchase, they are a brilliant way to save you money in the long term. They keep costs and expenditures as low as possible, as they don’t need very much energy to be able to run on their own. Lower energy usage, lower bills.

3. Year-Round Use

One of the biggest battles pool owners will face is the unreliability of the seasons. Many other pool heating systems simply aren’t going to work all that well when the weather gets colder, or when faced with cloudy days and tough weather conditions. The design of a solar panel, however, means that they can function perfectly well throughout every season of the year so long as you pick a suitable location for the panels to sit.

4. Making a Positive Environmental Impact

All of us need to do our part to make eco-friendly decisions for our homes and commercials properties. While having heaters and energy-consuming equipment is necessary for your pool, a solar heating system is the perfect solution that can both meet your heating needs while still remaining environmentally friendly. Everyone can enjoy a heated pool without the guilt of fuel overuse and other environmental problems that come with other heating systems.

5. Minimal Maintenance

Another great perk of solar panel heating is that it demands very little of you as a pool owner. They take up very little room and can typically fit wherever you need them on your property – even the roof! On top of that, they require very little ongoing maintenance to operate and function perfectly. All they need is a good installation location and access to the sun, and you’re good to go.

6. Fast Heating

Solar panels are able to heat up your pool quickly, without demanding an exorbitant amount of electricity usage. So, you can waste less time setting up your pool to get it ready for swimming and can trust that waiting for the pool to heat isn’t going to take up hours and hours of your time during those colder months.

7. Lower Power Usage

Electric pool heaters rack up an awful lot of power usage. That demand for a ridiculous amount of electricity is removed when you switch to a solar heating system. With the sun doing all the work to get your pool warm, it will feel silly to think about all the electricity you could’ve been using to make your water swimmable!

Contact Supreme Heating to Find Your Perfect Commercial Solar Panel

There are plenty of reasons commercial pool owners should seriously be considering installing a solar panel heating system. With nothing but benefits on offer, there’s really no reason not to! At Supreme Heating, we know pool heating like the back of our hand, and we can help you find the perfect system for your pool. Reach out today to chat with a friendly team member and get yourself a heating system that will pay off for many years to come.



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