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Heat Pump or Solar. How should I heat my pool?

Heat Pump or Solar. How should I heat my pool?

Choosing between two great investments. You want to heat your pool water. You’ve discounted gas as an option because of the running costs, and want to know whether to choose a heat pump or go with solar pool heating to bring the water up to the perfect temperature....

Heatseeker DualSun FAQ

Heatseeker DualSun FAQ

What is Heatseeker DualSun? Heatseeker DualSun is a hybrid panel that simultaneously produces electricity and heating for swimming pools or commercial applications.   Why not install a separate solar PV and solar thermal system? Installing two separate systems on...

Pool Covers & Rollers – FAQ’s

Pool Covers & Rollers – FAQ’s

Why should I install a pool cover? Installing a pool cover, particularly a Heatseeker Diamond Pool Cover, offers many advantages. It conserves a significant amount of water, saving between 50,000-70,000 litres annually through evaporation prevention. It also enhances...

How much solar collector do I need to heat my pool?

How much solar collector do I need to heat my pool?

Estimating the minimum area of the solar collector needed to heat your pool isn’t as difficult as you may think. Because almost all of the heat that’s lost from pool water is lost from the surface of the pool, the optimal area for the solar collectors is proportional...